Detective Bureau

145 Sinner St.

Room 12

Los Santos, San Andreas


Robbery-Homicide Division

Robbery-Homicide Division (RHD) investigates robberies, homicides, and more.

Gang and Narcotics Division

Gang and Narcotics Division (GND) investigates street gangs, criminal organisations, and also the manufacturing, use, and selling, of illegal drugs and firearms.

Detective Support and Vice Division

Detective Support and Vice Division (DSVD) investigates public decency crimes, kidnapping, counterfeiting, and human trafficking.

Juvenile Division

Juvenile Division (JUV) investigates juvenile narcotics usage, child abuse and child exploitation investigations, overseeing the Department’s youth programs, and providing Department-wide juvenile advice, consulting, and training. 

Commercial Crimes Division

Commercial Crimes Division (CCD) investigates property and financial crimes.


The street value of illicit drugs seized by the Gang and Narcotics Division during the past four years exceeds $3 billion. 

The Gang and Narcotics Division is tied with Metropolitan Division at 63.4% chance of beating a person on a pedestrian stop.

Robbery-Homicide Division has not been to court in 6 years.