US V. Ross, 18-11679 (2019)

Police may enter a motel room rented by a wanted person without a warrant if the police have reason to believe the wanted person is inside.

A person renting a motel room loses any expectation of privacy after check-out time. At this point, management can give consent to search.

US V. Russell, 11-30030 (2012)

When a person gives consent to search their person for drugs, this search can include the pat-searching of the groin area.

Stoner V. California, 376 US 483 (1964)

A hotel guest is treated like a tenant. Therefore, a hotel employee cannot give consent to search a room while the guest is occupying it.

Chapman V. US, 365 U.S. 610 (1961)

A landlord cannot give consent to police to enter a tenant's home and search it.