/onduty <department> <callsign>

Allows you to head on-duty in-game. Once on-duty you will receive 911 calls, as well as be able to use the /radio command. You will also be given a standard patrol loadout.

<department> is where you should enter the abbreviation for the department you are heading on-duty as:

<callsign> is where you enter your specific callsign. For the format, refer to section 201.02 of the Manual.

/setRadioAgency LEO

Allows you to utilize the in-game radio.

/drag <ID>

Used to drag someone. If they are the closest person to you, you can also just do "/drag". To release them, repeat the command.

/cuff <ID>

Used to cuff someone. If they are the closest person to you, you can just do "/cuff". To uncuff someone, just repeat the command.

/jail <ID> <time> <reason>

Allows you to jail someone.

<time> is however long you are sending them to jail for in seconds, maximum being 600 seconds.

<reason> is the full Penal Code name of every charge you are sentencing them with, and nothing else, e.g. "(1)04.Battery, (1)12.False Imprisonment and (8)19. Reckless Driving."

/unjail <ID>

Allows you to unjail someone. Normally used when they don't get automatically released once their sentence is finished.

/unrack <number> or <weapon name>

Allows you to retrieve a long-gun from your cruiser. The numbers and names are as follows:

So for example, if you wanted to grab a shotgun you would type "/unrack 2" or "/unrack shotgun"


Allows you to put your weapon back into the cruiser. 

/spike <number>

Allows you to lay spike strips down in front of you. The number is how many lanes you wish the spikes to go across between 1 and 4. So if you wanted to spike both lanes of a 2 lane street, you would type "/spike 2" 

/run <text>

Allows you to run specific information on your MDT in-game. Will be shown globally.

For example if you want to run a plate you would type "/run 00DGU297".

/search <text>

Allows you to search something in-game. Will be shown globally.

For example if you want to search a suspect you could type "/search the suspect in the black hat".


Bring up the radar remote control.


Brings up the Prop menu. This allows you to spawn basic scene props such as cones and barriers.


Brings up the Traffic Menu. This allows you to create speed zones, and to edit vehicle nodes to create detours for AI traffic.

/pepperspray or /oc

Allows you to pull out your can of pepperspray. Anyone who you spray will become incapacitated for a short while. 


Opens the trunk of your current vehicle. 

/binoculars or /binoc

Allows you to use binoculars to zoom in on something. Can also be used in a car. 


Brings up the Emotes menu. 


Toggle hand on holster.


Used by Watch Commanders for Blue/Amber Alerts.

"X" key on English layout keyboard

Hand on your holster toggle key. / Turn on your radar remote.


Text commands to set your in-game status quickly. Their meaning can be found in 201.1 MDT USAGE.

Sets your MDT status to Busy.

/unavailable or /ua
Sets your MDT status to Unavailable.

/clear or /cl
Sets your MDT status to Clear.

/enroute or  /er
Sets your MDT status to Enroute.

/codesix , /code6 or /c6
Sets your MDT status to Code Six.


NOTE: With the exception of text commands, all relevant radio keybinds should be displayed in the top left corner when you have your Radio out.

/radio, or Numpad 7 (can be rebound)
Bring up your radio.

/frequency [number] when your Radio is either ON or OFF, or "Enter" key when your Radio is turned OFF
Tune your radio to a specific frequency.

/vol [number, default is 75]
Sets your radio volume on the scale between 1 and 100.

"E" key when you have your Radio out
Turn your Radio on or off.

"Broadcast over radio" key bind when your Radio is turned ON
Radio Push To Talk (PTT) button. NOTE: This key is not bound by default.
NOTE: This key bind can be changed by pausing the game and going into SETTINGS->Key Bindings->FiveM->Broadcast over radio (pma-voice).

"Arrow key left" and "Arrow key right" when your Radio is turned OFF
Change your frequency in increments of 1 MHz.

"TAB" key when your Radio is turned OFF
Toggle mic clicks enabled or disabled

"Z" key on English layout keyboard
Change your voice range.


Thanks to the dpEmotes script, certain agencies have the ability to "flash" their badge as an emote. They are: Blaine County Sheriff's Office, Los Santos Police Department, Rockford Hills Police Department, Del Perro Police Department, Los Santos County Sheriff's Department, Drug Observation Agency, Federal Investigation Bureau, International Affairs Agency (non-LEO), Los Santos Port Police, Los Santos International Airport Police Department, Patriotism and Immigration Authority, San Andreas Highway Patrol, San Andreas State Parks, San Andreas State Prison Authority, North Yankton State Police.

There are two ways to use this feature:

1) Navigate to the dpEmotes menu (by using the /emotes command), and then navigating to the "Emotes" menu, and then going to the "Prop Emotes" section, at which point, you should see a list of emotes called "Flash <agency abbreviation> Badge". Press enter and the animation will play. Do note, this animation loops, so you will need to manually stop it.

2) By using the emote chat command. Each badge has its own name assigned to it, to use it, simply type the /e command (for example, /e badgelspd), followed by one of the following emote names: