National Park Service rangers, National Park Service Law Enforcement Rangers and Superintendants

The National Park Service rangers are uniformed employees of the NPS charged with protecting and preserving areas set aside in the National Park System and protecting park visitors. Their duties also include interpretation and education by sharing the information that they possess. However, they are considered civilian employees and do not possess any law enforcement powers.

The National Park Service Law Enforcement Rangers are sworn, uniformed federal law enforcement officers with broad authority to enforce federal and state laws within National Park Service sites. Their duties may overlap with NPS rangers, but they also can also enforce state laws on NPS lands and have the powers to carry firearms and defensive equipment, make arrests, execute search warrants, complete reports and testify in court. Law Enforcement Rangers may be also certified as emergency medical technicians or paramedics, firefighters and Search and Rescue technicians.

Superintendants are the highest rank within a single park's management structure. They share their uniform and its policies with the NPS rangers.

Ranger's badge, defined

National Park Service ranger badge

It shall be shield shaped, gold in color, with the US Department of Interior seal in the center and "National Park Ranger" lettering above it.

National Park Service Law Enforcement Ranger badge

It shall be shield shaped, gold in color, with a bald eagle depicted on the topmost portion, a so called "pinched top" design. It shall display the US Department of Interior seal in the center and "US PARK RANGER" lettering.

Wearing of the Badge/Uniform

On-Duty, Uniformed Employees. Uniformed employees shall wear their official Department-issued badge on the outermost garment of their uniform. However officers in a Department-approved specialised uniform, or wearing department approved garments and accessories may wear a facsimile badge.

WHO SHALL WEAR UNIFORM. All employees regardless of rank shall wear the prescribed uniform and personal equipment during their tours of duty.

EXEMPTIONS TO WEARING UNIFORMS. The following officers are exempted from wearing the prescribed uniforms - Command officers; and, Undercover and plainclothes assignment officers.


BASEBALL CAP. Uniformed or plain clothes assignment employees may choose to wear a baseball cap. It shall be green in color and bear the NPS badge.

BELT. Law Enforcement Rangers shall wear a black nylon or basketweave duty belt with a plastic buckle.

BODYCAM. Bodycams may be worn by uniformed employees; the newer Coil Body 3 is to be used. 

Exemptions: Wearing of the bodycam is not required: 

CAMPAIGN HAT. Uniformed employees may choose to wear a campaign hat. It shall be straw colored and plain, bearing no badging.

COLD WEATHER HAT. Uniformed employees may choose to wear a black fleece cap during inclement weather.

EXTERNAL CARRIER VEST (STAB VEST). Law Enforcement Rangers may choose to wear an external carrier vest when patrolling in a Class B / C uniform, with K-9 uniform, or when needed on a plain clothes assignment. External carrier vests shall be green in colour, and must display "POLICE" and "US NATIONAL PARK SERVICE" lettering. It must also display a badge, but it may be either an embroidered facsimile, or a metal badge.

GLOVES. Black leather or knitted gloves may be worn for inclement weather. Gloves in solid, muted colors may be worn in situations where extra protection is required. Nitrile gloves may be worn when providing first aid, or collecting evidence.

HOLSTER. Unless specified, all Law Enforcement Rangers shall wear their black holster on their belt.

JACKETS. Uniformed employees may choose to wear a department-issued jacket during inclement weather, or during cold periods of time. However, only Law Enforcement Rangers shall wear jackets with a Law Enforcement Ranger badge, or facsimile of such, on it.

POLO SHIRT. Law Enforcement Rangers may choose to patrol in a polo shirt instead when wearing Class B / C uniform. It shall be tan colored, and bear and an embroidered facsimile badge. 

SHOULDER / CHEST MIC. Officers may choose to wear a shoulder or chest mic for their radio.

SWEATER. Law Enforcement Rangers may optionally wear a woolen sweater. It shall be green in color and bear a facsimile NPS LE Ranger badge.

TASER. If an officer chooses to utilise a taser, they shall use a black taser.

TURTLENECK. Employees may choose to wear an issued turtleneck under their duty shirt during inclement weather. It shall be green, and bear the text "RANGER".


Class A Uniform.

Shall be worn by any ranger attending a formal event.

May be worn by rangers conducting field activities.

SHIRT. Long sleeve shirt to be worn with the tie. 

PANTS. Green dress pants are mandatory for formal events and optional for patrol duties. Green BDU style pants are optional for patrol duties. 

Note: Brown BDU style pants are optional for patrol duties.

FOOTWEAR. Black boots.

HAT. A campaign hat shall be worn by any ranger attending a formal event. May be worn optionally on patrol.

RADIO. A radio shall be omitted only when attending a formal event.

BELT. Only Law Enforcement Rangers shall wear a duty belt, as prescribed.

Class B / C Uniform

May be worn by officers conducting field activities.

SHIRT. Long sleeve or short sleeve shirt, with open collar. Alternatively, Law Enforcement Rangers may choose to wear an appropriate polo shirt.

PANTS. Green BDU style pants, or green duty pants.

Note: Brown BDU style pants may also be used.

FOOTWEAR. Black boots.

EXTERNAL CARRIER VEST (STAB VEST). Law Enforcement Rangers may choose to wear an external carrier vest when patrolling. It shall be green in colour, and must display "POLICE" and "US NATIONAL PARK SERVICE" lettering. It must also display a badge, but it may be either an embroidered facsimile, or a metal badge.

HAT. A campaign hat may be worn, as prescribed.

BELT. Only Law Enforcement Rangers shall wear a duty belt, as prescribed

K-9 Uniform

Law Enforcement Rangers assigned to K-9 Division shall wear the K-9 uniform.

SHIRT. Long sleeve or short sleeve green utility shirt, with open collar, green in color. It shall bear the NPS patch, facsimile badge, name and K-9 tag.

PANTS. Green BDU style pants. May be bloused.

FOOTWEAR. Black boots.

EXTERNAL CARRIER VEST (STAB VEST). Law Enforcement Rangers may choose to wear an external carrier vest when patrolling. It shall be green in colour, and must display "POLICE" and "US NATIONAL PARK SERVICE" lettering. It must also display a badge, but it may be either an embroidered facsimile, or a metal badge.

BASEBALL CAP. An approved baseball cap may be optionally worn.

HOLSTER. Rangers assigned to K-9 may choose to wear a drop leg holster.

Utility Uniform

May be worn only by Law Enforcement Rangers. On-duty personnel must obtain permission from a duty supervisor to be authorised to use the utility uniform.

Note: May be worn during a Tac Alert, or during Search and Rescue operations, without supervisor permission.

SHIRT. Green long sleeve or short sleeve shirt, with open collar. It shall bear the NPS patches.

PANTS. Green BDU pants, may be bloused.

FOOTWEAR. Black boots.

BELT. Law Enforcement Rangers shall wear their duty belt as prescribed, unless it would interfere with other equipment, such as abseiling gear or a harness.

EXTERNAL CARRIER VEST (STAB VEST). Law Enforcement Rangers shall wear an external carrier vest with their utility uniform as prescribed, unless it would interfere with other equipment, such as abseiling gear or a harness.

HELMET. When conducting duties where a risk of head injury exists, Law Enforcement Rangers shall wear a bump helmet. It shall be yellow in color and bear "SEARCH AND RESCUE" lettering.

OTHER EQUIPMENT. Law Enforcement Rangers may choose to equip themselves with other equipment which would aid them in successful accomplishment of their duties when wearing the Utility Uniform. Such equipment includes, but is not limited to: equipment chest rig, abseiling gear or a rapelling harness.

Search and Rescue Technician Uniform

Shall be worn by Law Enforcement Rangers engaged in Search and Rescue operations. May be supplemented by the Utility Uniform in cases where the yellow polo shirt would not be suitable.

SHIRT. Yellow short or long sleeve shirt. It shall bear the NPS patch, Search and Rescue patch and "NPS SEARCH AND RESCUE" lettering.

PANTS. Green BDU pants, may be bloused.

FOOTWEAR. Black boots.

BELT. Law Enforcement Rangers shall wear their duty belt as prescribed, unless it would interfere with other equipment, such as abseiling gear or a harness.

HELMET. When conducting duties where a risk of head injury exists, Law Enforcement Rangers shall wear a bump helmet. It shall be yellow in color and bear "SEARCH AND RESCUE" lettering.

OTHER EQUIPMENT. Search and Rescue Technicians may choose to equip themselves with other equipment which would aid them in successful accomplishment of their duties when wearing the Search and Rescue Technician Uniform. Such equipment includes, but is not limited to: equipment chest rig, abseiling gear or a rapelling harness.


Note: The National Park Service employees do not display rank.