Policía Nacional de Colombia

Wearing of the Uniform

WEARING OF THE UNIFORM. All employees regardless of rank shall wear the prescribed uniform and personal equipment during their tours of duty.

Patrol Officer Uniform Regulations

BASEBALL HAT. Patrulleros may optionally wear a baseball cap with the utility shirts. It shall be dark blue in color and bear the neon green text "POLICIA".

BODYCAM. Patrulleros may optionally wear a older style Coil Body 2 or newer style Coil Body 3 body-worn camera.
BOOTS. Black boots.

DUTY BELT. Patrulleros shall wear a black nylon belt with a plastic buckle.

GLOVES. Gloves in solid, muted colors may be worn in situations where extra protection is required. Nitrile gloves may be worn when providing first aid, or collecting evidence.

HOLSTER. Patrulleros shall wear a black polymer retention holster.
LOAD BEARING VEST. Patrulleros may optionally equip themselves with a load bearing vest. It shall be black in color and bear the text "POLICIA".

PANTS. Patrulleros shall wear dark blue BDU-style pants bearing the text "POLICIA". They shall not be bloused.

SHIRT. Patrulleros shall wear a long or short sleeve utility shirt with Policía Nacional patches.

SHOULDER / CHEST MIC. Patrulleros may choose to wear a shoulder or chest mic for their radio when wearing a duty belt.

TASER. If a patrullero chooses to utilise a taser, they shall use a black or yellow taser.

Ranks and Paygrades

Equivalent to LT.
