United States Air Force Security Forces Enlisted and Civilian Employees

The USAF Security Forces are policed both by USAF enlisted personnel, or by Department of Defence civilian employees. For the sake of simplicity, both are subject to the exact same rules and regulation, have the exact same jurisdiction and powers, and work under the exact same operational procedures and policies. The one and only difference shall be the attire. A member of the Law Enforcement faction can then choose to RP as either enlisted personnel, or as civilian employees.

Civilian Personnel Uniform Regulations

BASEBALL HAT. SF employees may optionally wear a baseball cap with the utility shirts. It shall be dark blue or black in color and bear the white text "POLICE".

BOOTS. Black boots.

DUTY BELT. SF employees shall wear a black nylon belt with a plastic buckle.

EXTERNAL BALLISTIC EQUIPMENT. When situation calls for it, SF employees may equip themselves with an external plate carrier.  It shall be black in color and bear the text "POLICE".

GLOVES. Gloves in solid, muted colors may be worn in situations where extra protection is required. Nitrile gloves may be worn when providing first aid, or collecting evidence.

HOLSTER. SF employees may wear either a black polymer retention holster, or a drop leg holster.

SHIRT. SF employees may wear the wear either the long sleeve dress shirt with a tie and USAF SF patches, equipped with a metal badge, or the short or long sleeve utility shirt with a sport collar, bearing the USAF SF patches and either the metal badge and a metal nametag, or the embroidered facsimilie badge and an embroidered name.

SHOULDER / CHEST MIC. SF employees may choose to wear a shoulder or chest mic for their radio when wearing a duty belt.

PANTS. SF employees shall wear dark blue BDU-style pants. They shall not be bloused.

Enlisted Personnel Uniform Regulations

BERET. Enlisted SF personnel shall wear their beret, unless conditions prohibit it. It shall be dark blue in color and bear the Security Forces flash as well as motto, "DEFENSOR FORTIS".

BOOTS. Tan combat boots.

DUTY BELT. Enlisted SF personnel shall wear a black nylon belt with a plastic buckle. This may be worn either over the blouse, or over the waist line when combined with a combat shirt.

EXTERNAL BALLISTIC EQUIPMENT. When situation calls for it, enlisted SF personnel may equip themselves with an Improved Outer Tactical Vest in the Operational Camouflage Pattern. They shall wear a similarly colored combat helmet.

GLOVES. Gloves in solid, muted colors may be worn in situations where extra protection is required. Nitrile gloves may be worn when providing first aid, or collecting evidence.

HOLSTER. Enlisted SF personnel may wear either a polymer retention holster, or a drop leg holster, which may be black or tan in color.

PLATE CARRIER / EXTERNAL ARMOR. When wearing the combat shirt, enlisted SF personnel shall wear a black plate carrier / external vest, bearing the white text "POLICE".

SHIRT. Enlisted SF personnel may optionally wear a blouse in the Operational Camouflage Pattern, which shall bear their name and branch tape, as well as the Air Force patch. They may also optionally wear a combat shirt in the Operational Camouflage Pattern, which shall bear the Air Force patch. The Combat Shirt shall be worn in combination with an approved Plate Carrier / External Armor.

SHOULDER / CHEST MIC. Enlisted SF personne may choose to wear a shoulder or chest mic for their radio when wearing an external vest.

PANTS. Enlisted SF personne shall wear BDU-style pants in the Operational Camouflage Pattern. They shall be bloused.

Ranks and Paygrades

Do note, these ranks are to be displayed only by Civilian Personnel.

Shift Leader

(Police Lieutenant 1 equivalent)


(Police Sergeant 1 equivalent)


(Police Officer III equivalent)
