Irvin Irving, Chief of Police

Volume III, Issue 1

January 2021


Impairing substances can dramatically alter individual's behavior and actions, and as such, it is important for officers to possess minimal baseline knowledge, in order to make informed decisions when handling a scene. Additionally, possesssion of selected number of substances is a crime, thus being able to positively identify substances as prohibited drugs is crucial in order to sucessfuly prosecute an individual.

In addition, all of these substances alter and impair individual perception of reality and alter and impair their reactions and behavior, making an intoxicated individual in control of a motor vehicle a significant risk to themselves and other motorists.

This Bulletin will teach officers how to identify impairing substances and inform them about their effects on an individual.

Impairing Substances List

This section will list the most common substances that you may encounter, provide instructions on how to recognise their effects on an individual and how to test for their presence. However, it is by no means a taxative list.

Drugs can be broken down into several categories, by their effects on the user:

Recognising Impairing Substances

This section will list the appearance of the substances listed above, as well as their most common effects on an individual.

CNS Depressants

Appearance of CNS Depressants

Effects and Recognition of CNS Depressants

Generic effects:

Additional effects of alcohol:

Testing for CNS Depressants

CNS Stimulants

Appearance of CNS Stimulants

Effects and Recognition of CNS Stimulants

Testing for CNS Stimulants


Appearance of Hallucinogens

Effects and Recognition of Hallucinogens

Generic effects:

Additional effects of Mescaline, and Psilocybin:

Additional effects of MDMA:

Testing for Hallucinogens

Dissociative Anesthetics

Appearance of Dissociative Anesthetics

Effects and Recognition of Dissociative Anesthetics

Testing for Dissociative Anesthetics


Appearance of Opioids

Effects and Recognition of Opioids

CAUTION! The effects of an opiod overdose (decreased breathing) can be countered using nasal spray containing naloxone, known also by its brand name, Narcan.

Testing for Opioids


Appearance of Inhalants

Effects and Recognition of Inhalants

Additional effects of Nitrous Oxide:

Testing for Inhalants


Appearance of Cannabis

Effects and Recognition of Cannabis

Testing for Cannabis

Summary of effects of abusive drugs on eye movement and pupil

CNS depressants

CNS stimulants


Dissociative Anesthetics

