305.01 PURPOSE.

These policies exist to regulate the deployment criteria for paged specialized units. Numerical requirements per Unit Roles and Bureau-specific requirements apply.

Officer's Responsibility. Upon assessing a situation that may potentially require paged specialized units, officers shall review the following policies and notify their direct supervisor.

Note: Certain officers have access to #leo-ctsob-pager, and shall uphold the Supervisor's Responsibility as well.

Supervisor's Responsibility. Supervisors shall ensure the deployment criteria of paged specialized units are met prior to paging.


305.021 SPECIAL WEAPONS AND TACTICS. The following applies for SWAT and non-LSPD equivalents.

Situations the Special Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT) may be requested to deploy to include, but are not limited to:

The following criteria must apply when requesting SWAT to Barricaded Suspects:

Available SWAT assets available to be deployed include the following:

Factors to consider when determining whether the above criteria are met include, but are not limited to:

Note: The identity of outstanding suspects is not a determining factor in evaluating a SWAT deployment. If SWAT deployment criteria for a Barricaded Suspect(s) are not met but the circumstances surrounding an incident are inherently unsafe and potentially dangerous to the public and to officers, SWAT may be deployed with supervisory approval.

305.022 TACTICAL RESPONSE TEAMS. The following applies for TRT and non-LSPD equivalents.

Situations the Tactical Response Teams (TRT) may be requested to deploy to include, but are not limited to:

The following criteria must apply when requesting TRT to Barricaded Suspects:

Factors to consider when determining whether the above criteria are met include, but are not limited to:

Note: The identity of outstanding suspects is not a determining factor in evaluating a TRT deployment. If TRT deployment criteria for a Barricaded Suspect(s) are not met but the circumstances surrounding an incident are inherently unsafe and potentially dangerous to the public and to officers, TRT may be deployed with supervisory approval.

305.023 K-9 PLATOON. The following applies for K-9 Platoon and non-LSPD equivalents.

K-9 Platoon may be requested to search an area, vehicle or other property for either of the following:

The following criteria must apply when requesting a K-9 search for an outstanding suspect:

Factors to consider when determining whether the above criteria are met include, but are not limited to:

Note: The identity of outstanding suspects is not a determining factor in evaluating a K-9 search request. The K-9 can be used to search for suspects whose identities are known or unknown. If K-9 deployment criteria are not met but the circumstances surrounding an incident are inherently unsafe and potentially dangerous to the public and to officers, a K-9 may be deployed with supervisory approval to assist in clearing an area or location if the  use of a K-9 would substantially contribute to officer/public safety. K-9 may also be deployed to any incident which requires the presence of Tactical Response Teams (TRT) or Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT), if the deployment of K-9 officers would support other responding units in resolving the situation. 

305.024 UNDERWATER DIVE UNIT. The following applies for UDU and non-LSPD equivalents.

The Underwater Dive Team (UDU) may be requested to search an underwater area for evidence which needs to be recovered for future or on-scene investigation.

The following criteria must apply when requesting a MOT search for evidence:

Factors to consider when determining whether the above criteria are met include, but are not limited to:

Note: The identity of the evidence to be recovered must be known prior to requesting UDU. If UDU deployment criteria are not met but the circumstances surrounding an incident are inherently unsafe and potentially dangerous to the public and to officers, UDU may be deployed with supervisory approval.

305.025 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SECTION. The following applies for EMS and non-LSPD equivalents.

Emergency Management Section (EMS) shall be requested to respond to any spontaneous and pre-planned major incidents that may occur. EMS are subject matter experts on major incident command/control & the organization of multiple department sections & divisions - EMS support Incident Commanders during major events. 

The following criteria must apply when requesting Emergency Management Section:

Note: If EMS deployment criteria are not met but the circumstances surrounding an incident are inherently unsafe and potentially dangerous to the public and to officers, EMS may be deployed with supervisory approval.

305.026 BOMB SQUAD. The following applies for Bomb Squad and non-LSPD equivalents.

Bomb Squad shall be requested to respond to any situation where an explosive device is reasonably believed to be present on scene. Such situations include, but are not limited to:

The following criteria must apply when requesting Bomb Squad:

Factors to consider when determining whether the above criteria are met include, but are not limited to:

Note: If Bomb Squad deployment criteria are not met but the circumstances surrounding an incident are inherently unsafe and potentially dangerous to the public and to officers, Bomb Squad may be deployed with supervisory approval.

305.027 BOMB DETECTION K-9 SECTION. The following applies for BDK9 and non-LSPD equivalents.

Bomb Detection K-9 Section (BDK9) may be requested to search an area where an explosive device is reasonably believed to be present. Such situations include, but are not limited to:

The following criteria must apply when requesting Bomb Squad:

Factors to consider when determining whether the above criteria are met include, but are not limited to:

Note: If BDK9 deployment criteria are not met but the circumstances surrounding an incident are inherently unsafe and potentially dangerous to the public and to officers, BDK9 may be deployed with supervisory approval.

305.028 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS UNIT. The following applies for HMU and non-LSPD equivalents.

Hazardous Materials Unit (HMU) shall be requested to respond to any situation where hazardous materials are reasonably believed to be present on scene. Such situations include, but are not limited to:

The following criteria must apply when requesting HMU:

Factors to consider when determining whether the above criteria are met include, but are not limited to:

Note: If Hazardous Materials Unit deployment criteria are not met but the circumstances surrounding an incident are inherently unsafe and potentially dangerous to the public and to officers, Hazardous Materials Unit may be deployed with supervisory approval.

305.029 MAJOR CRIMES DIVISION. The following applies for MCD and non-LSPD equivalents.

Investigations Major Crimes Division (MCD) may be requested to deploy to include, but are not limited to:

The following criteria must apply when requesting MCD:

Factors to consider when determining whether the above criteria are met include, but are not limited to:

Note: In all cases, detectives may respond and defer to another specialized unit if needed. If Major Crimes Division deployment criteria are not met but the circumstances surrounding an incident are inherently unsafe and potentially dangerous to the public and to officers, Major Crimes Division may be deployed with supervisory approval.


305.031 AREA DESK DETECTIVES. The following applies for William and non-LSPD equivalents.

Investigations Area Desk Detectives may be requested to deploy to include, but are not limited to:

The following criteria must apply when requesting Area Desk Detectives to one of the aforementioned situations:

Factors to consider when determining whether the above criteria are met include, but are not limited to:

Note: In all cases, detectives may respond and defer to another specialized unit if needed. Area Desk Detectives may be deployed with supervisory approval assuming there are exigent circumstances present.

305.032 AREA VICE DETECTIVES. The following applies for Victor and non-LSPD equivalents.

Investigations Area Vice Detectives may be requested to deploy to include, but are not limited to:

The following criteria must apply when requesting Area Vice Detectives to one of the aforementioned situations:

Factors to consider when determining whether the above criteria are met include, but are not limited to:

Note: In all cases, detectives may respond and defer to another specialized unit if needed. Area Vice Detectives may be deployed with supervisory approval assuming there are exigent circumstances present.

305.033 ROBBERY-HOMICIDE DIVISION. The following applies for RHD and non-LSPD equivalents.

Investigations RHD may be requested to deploy to include, but are not limited to:

The following criteria must apply when requesting RHD to one of the aforementioned situations:

Factors to consider when determining whether the above criteria are met include, but are not limited to:

Note: In all cases, detectives may respond and defer to another specialized unit if needed. RHD may be deployed with supervisory approval assuming there are exigent circumstances present.

305.034 DETECTIVE SUPPORT AND VICE DIVISION. The following applies for DSVD and non-LSPD equivalents.
Investigations DSVD may be requested to deploy to include, but are not limited to:

The following criteria must apply when requesting DSVD to one of the aforementioned situations:

Factors to consider when determining whether the above criteria are met include, but are not limited to:

Note: In all cases, detectives may respond and defer to another specialized unit if needed. DSVD may be deployed with supervisory approval assuming there are exigent circumstances present.

305.0341 MENTAL EVALUATION UNIT. The following applies for DSVD MEU and non-LSPD equivalents.

Situations DSVD MEU may be requested to deploy to include, but are not limited to:

The following criteria must apply when requesting MEU to one of the aforementioned situations:

Note: In accordance to MEU operating policies, officers shall fill out a Field Interview (FI) card on the individual and brief the responding MEU whilst referencing their FI card. MEU may be deployed with supervisory approval assuming there are exigent circumstances present.

305.035 GANG AND NARCOTICS DIVISION. The following applies for GND and non-LSPD equivalents.

Investigations GND may be requested to deploy to include, but are not limited to:

 Any robbery requiring prolonged investigation due to geographical limitations;

The following criteria must apply when requesting GND to one of the aforementioned situations:

Factors to consider when determining whether the above criteria are met include, but are not limited to:

Note: In all cases, detectives may respond and defer to another specialized unit if needed. GND may be deployed with supervisory approval assuming there are exigent circumstances present.

305.0351 K-9 UNIT. The following applies for GND K9 and non-LSPD equivalents.

The GND K-9 Unit may be requested to search an area, person or car where narcotics are reasonably believed to be present. Such situations include, but are not limited to:

The following criteria must apply when requesting GND K9:

GND K9 can only be requested to attend a traffic stop, with the aim to sniff a car, if the following criteria are met:

Factors to consider when determining whether the above criteria are met include, but are not limited to:

Note: The identity of the narcotics is not a determining factor in evaluating a GND K9 deployment. If GND K9 deployment criteria are not met but the circumstances surrounding an incident are inherently unsafe and potentially dangerous to the public and to officers, GND K9 may be deployed with supervisory approval.

305.036 JUVENILE DIVISION. The following applies for JUV and non-LSPD equivalents.

Investigations JUV may be requested to deploy to include, but are not limited to:

The following criteria must apply when requesting JUV to one of the aforementioned situations:

Factors to consider when determining whether the above criteria are met include, but are not limited to:

Note: In all cases, detectives may respond and defer to another specialized unit if needed. JUV may be deployed with supervisory approval assuming there are exigent circumstances present.

305.037 COMMERCIAL CRIMES DIVISION. The following applies for CCD and non-LSPD equivalents.

Investigations CCD may be requested to deploy to include, but are not limited to:

The following criteria must apply when requesting CCD to one of the aforementioned situations:

Factors to consider when determining whether the above criteria are met include, but are not limited to:

Note: In all cases, detectives may respond and defer to another specialized unit if needed. CCD may be deployed with supervisory approval assuming there are exigent circumstances present.

305.038 FORENSIC SCIENCE DIVISION. The following applies for FSD and non-LSPD equivalents.
Investigations FSD may be requested to deploy to include, but are not limited to:

The following criteria must apply when requesting FSD to one of the aforementioned situations:

Note: In all cases, detectives may respond and defer to another specialized unit if needed. FSD may be deployed with supervisory approval assuming there are exigent circumstances present.