Traffic Collision. A traffic collision is an unintentional occurrence in which the movement of a conveyance causes death, injury or property damage.
Note: Accidents involving conveyances being used as industrial machinery or engaged in authorised sporting events are not traffic collisions.
Conveyance. A conveyance is any device by which persons or property may be propelled, moved, or drawn from place to place. Included are motor vehicles, trains, animals under human control, and bicycles.
Trafficway. A trafficway is a publicly maintained route open to the use of the public for the purpose of vehicular and pedestrian travel, extending from property line to property line, including sidewalks, parkways, and roadways. Highway, street, and trafficway are synonymous.
Note: A private road shall be considered a trafficway when it is open to through public travel and joins at each end with a trafficway.
Roadway. A roadway is that portion of a trafficway ordinarily used for vehicular traffic only.
Non-Trafficway. A non-trafficway is public or private property of a type neither designated nor normally used as a trafficway.
City/County Property Involved. A traffic collision is "City/County Property Involved" when one or more of the following is involved:
A City/County employee acting within the scope of their employment;
Damage to property owned, maintained, or contracted by the City/County;
Any possibility of City/County liability resulting from the actions of any involved party being influenced by City/County property or a City/County employee acting within the scope of their employment; or,
Water in the roadway other than that from precipitation run off.
Note: Investigating officers shall identify the source of the water and determine how it may have contributed to the collision.
Injury. Injury is any bodily harm that is in need of first aid or the attention of a physician. It is not necessary that treatment or first aid may be received. An injury need not be apparent, but may be a complaint of pain without visible signs of injury.
Party. A party is a driver of a conveyance, the last driver of a parked or unattended vehicle, or a pedestrian who is directly involved in a traffic collision.
Witness. A witness is any person, other than a party, who has any pertinent information regarding a traffic collision.
Property-Other. Property, other than conveyances, which sustains damage as the result of a traffic collision shall be considered "property-other."
205.21 DUTIES OF FIRST OFFICER ARRIVING AT SCENE. The first officer to arrive at the scene of a traffic collision shall:
If necessary, summon an ambulance or fire department personnel;
If necessary, render first aid;
Protect involved vehicles, personal property, and persons using the trafficway; and,
Notify the SAHP if the location is within SAHP's area of responsibility.
205.22 INVESTIGATION - RESPONSIBILITY OF ASSIGNED UNIT. A unit assigned a traffic collision call shall be responsible for completing the investigation and the necessary reports, unless advised that the call has been reassigned or cancelled.
An officer investigating a traffic collision shall ensure that a Traffic Collision Investigation Unit, or a supervisor, is dispatched to the scene when an accident involves:
On-duty Department personnel and results in death or serious injury to any involved person;
An aircraft accident results in death, serious injury, or extensive property damage; or,
Other circumstances which indicate the need for immediate follow-up investigation.
205.31 REPORTABLE TRAFFIC COLLISIONS. A traffic collision report shall be completed when a traffic collision involves one or more of the following:
City/County Property Involved;
Driving Under the Influence; and,
Traffic Felony.
205.32 FORMS REQUIRED. An officer investigating a reportable traffic collision shall complete the "TRAFFIC CRASH REPORT" via SonoronCAD.
205.33 PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY (PDO) TRAFFIC COLLISION. Officers at the scene of a PDO traffic collision shall:
Assist in clearing the scene;
Verify that a correct exchange of information has taken place, or issue each involved party a Traffic Collision Information form;
Inform the involved parties regarding the requirement for submission of the State Form SR-1 to the San Andreas Department of Motor Vehicles; and,
Inform the involved parties that a traffic collision report is neither required nor will be taken by the Department.
Note: A State Form SR-1 notifies the San Andreas Department of Motor Vehicles regarding a traffic collision. It is a legal requirement. (There are no actual OOC forms to fill out, they should just RP doing so at some point later).