All server and discord rules apply. Any violation of a server rule may result in disciplinary action, or termination;
Role-playing corrupt/illegal activities is only allowed when a member has very good in-character RP and has no out-of-character reasons;
Any minor corrupt officer activities need to be conducted on a character that is registered in the CAD. Any corruption on the felony level may lead to dismissal or investigation;
Being intoxicated whilst on-duty is NOT allowed and will result in a suspension or termination;
Always remain respectful to other officers, server members and players. If you have a problem with another officer, direct it to any Supervisor or Command officer;
Federal agencies are restricted to Command and Detectives only. Exceptions are granted for persons who wish to play as NOOSE PIA or SEP. Permission to play as any other federal agency may be granted for regular officers by a Supervisor;
Usage of unmarked vehicles whilst off-duty is prohibited. The only employees exempt are those who have a Home Garaging Authority;
Members of the department should not spam or abuse the in-game radio or discord;
Officers may not play as any divisions that they are not a part of. This includes utilising vehicles that belong to specific divisions; and,
All members must adhere to all departmental policies and SOP guidelines.
Any permissions that are given by higher ranked officers are revoked as soon as the supervisor logs off or goes off-duty. Requests must then be re-granted by another duty supervisor;
Officers are not required to request supervisors if asked by civilians. If the officer wishes not to call a supervisor, they must notify the civilian in question how to file a complaint;
Officers shall not don external body armour, drop leg holsters and helmets unless the situation requires it, or at the discretion of the highest ranking duty supervisor, or if the uniform code for that specific agency allows it;
When asked to provide their badge number for the purposes of identification, such as on an official department record, CAD report, a form, or upon a request made by the member of the public, member of the department, or another government employee, department members shall provide their three digit community ID, irrespective of what LE faction character is the member roleplaying as, no other number being permitted;
Non-standard uniform types require permission from an active duty supervisor to be worn in the field; and,
On-duty, plainclothes personnel regularly assigned to field duties, including detectives, shall be equipped with two extra magazines, and a regularly positioned out-of-waistband holster. Justified exemptions may be granted by an Lt. or above.
RTO (RADIO TRAFFIC ONLY) should be in effect at all times unless all of the following conditions have been met:
Fewer than 3 units are in the channel;
Fewer than 10 players are connected to the FiveM server; and,
Calls for service are coming in slowly.
The above conditions serve as guidelines, not as strict rules. When a unit requests RTO, all other units shall take note and stop transmitting.
103.31 CHANNELS.
LAW BASE – Primary police radio frequency.
LAW SIMPLEX – Secondary police radio frequency.
LAW METRO – Counter-Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau operations.
LAW TAC-1 – Ongoing situations.
LAW TAC-2 – Ongoing situations.
LAW TAC-3 – Ongoing situations.
LAW TRAINING – Training Bureau operations.
LAW DETECTIVE – Detective Bureau operations.
Refer to 201.01 for further information:
Units shall use LAW BASE for standard patrol activities.
Units may use LAW SIMPLEX to communicate with other units on the same scene.
Any incident that occurs while another incident is occurring must be taken to either TAC 1 or TAC 2 or TAC 3.
Off-Duty Police Officers may:
Carry their police badge, cuffs and radio but must have it concealed at all times;
Only use their police radio to transmit emergency, life-threatening situations. It should not be used for anything else;
Respond to “Officer Needs Help” calls and panic alarm activations only when in the immediate vicinity of it; they must have their badge visible at all times and have their weapon concealed; and,
Intervene in a crime, however, officers should make sure it is broadcasted to on-duty officers either by dialling 911 or using their radio in emergency situations as described above.
Off-Duty Police Officers may NOT:
Respond to 911 calls but may provide backup to on-duty officers if backup is required and they are in the vicinity of the incident;
Conduct an arrest, however, they can detain a suspect until an on-duty officer arrives; and,
Conduct traffic stops.
Absense and Activity
All officers must dedicate at least 1 hour in total every calendar month as an A/L/X unit to keep in-line with the faction's activity standards. Officers that fail to meet this standard are liable for termination.
All officers that wish to preserve their position in the department must request a server Leave of Absence (LOA), if they know that they are unable to abide by the faction's activity standards. This LOA request must contain an expected duration.
If the officer fails to return to service after 1 month of their set return date, they may be terminated. If officers wish to prolong their LOA, they should message a member of LE command, stating why.
NOTE: All points in this policy are subject to Command Staff discretion, as each reinstatement request will be judged on case by case basis. However, every attempt shall be made to stick to this policy as close as possible.
A former Police Officer II and above who has retired from the faction, or left the server in good standing and of their own volition, or has been removed for inactivity, can request to be reinstated using the appropriate form.
When an officer has been terminated due to LE Faction policy violation(s) and/or Server Rules violation(s), or have left the faction before they could be terminated, knowing full well this is about to occur, they are not entitled to a reinstatement. Instead, they will have to go through an application process, as if they were a new recruit.
In cases where the violation(s) were egregious enough, that officer may be barred from the LE faction permanently.
In cases where an officer has been absent from the faction for a prolonged amount of time, they may be ordered by command staff to attend a refresher course, or to complete police academy training.
The rank to which an officer is to be reinstated is subject to Command Staff discretion, with factors such as length of service, track record within the department, circumstances regarding their departure, rank held before their retirement/removal, etc., taken into account.
Months of Service: In cases where a Law Enforcement Officer has gone through the proper channels and requested to be retired (ie., was given the "Retired LEO" tag) and has not left the server itself, their Months of Service will not be reset. In every other case, the hire date shall be set to the day that the officer has been reinstated after they have filed a request.
103.61 PURPOSE.
For the purpose of record keeping and efficient data storage, it shall be mandatory for officers to use the Sonoran CAD to write up and store information regarding characters in the CAD about citations issued, arrest made, vehicles impounded, etc., using the appropriate forms in the CAD. That is to say, if a character is listed in the CAD, and an officer does any action listed below, it must be logged via the appropriate form.
Server Members These rules apply to all Server Members, who are required to use the Sonoran CAD and any and all appropriate information in the CAD, as per the Server Rules.
Server Guests Server Guests are, at this time, exempt from this rule. However, if a Server Guest has a character filed in the CAD, it is the officer responsibility to act according to this policy, as if they were a Server Member under this policy.
- For example, if a Server Guest is playing as a character filed in the CAD, and is driving a vehicle not registered in the CAD, it is the responsibility of the officer stopping the individual to treat the vehicle as an unregistered one. The same requirements extends to all vehicles, weapons, permits and licences that should be filed with the character present in the CAD, but are not.
Officers may optionally choose to fill out records for character that have not been placed in the CAD, using information they obtained via the ingame chat.
Consequences for failure to disclose appropriate information in the CAD are all in character. If a Server Member is providing you with information about his character, or property that is subject to registration that does not come back as valid in CAD, you are able to, and in fact required to effect an arrest under SA PC (4)05 Failure To Identify To A Peace Officer, or to mandatorily impound a vehicle under (8)02 Vehicle Registration, or to take appropriate actions under Titles 9, 11 and 12.
In addition, all CAD registered characters should include the following:
A picture of the character
Full name of the character
Date of Birth of the character
An address of the character (listing a street, postal code, and house number if necessary)
Should a character miss one or more of these crucial identifying features, officers may use their discretion to determine the viability of such character profile.
All officers are able to access the Law Enforcement portion of the CAD via a key listed here. Furthermore, a guide to report writing may be found here, and the department's guide to CAD usage may be found here.
CAD Forms Officers who are doing any of the following must file appropriate form in the CAD:
Towing/impounding a vehicle
Filing evidence linked to a major crime
Investigating a traffic collision
Issuing a Traffic Violation Citation
Citing a Parking Violation
Issuing a Speeding Citation
Issuing a General Citation
Filing an Arrest Report following a person's arrest
Filling out a Field Interview Card
Filing a Be On the Lookout Order (BOLO)
Filing an Arrest Warrant
Filing a Search Warrant
Searching the CAD Officers are required to utilise the CAD in the following circumstances:
When searching the CAD Database for a person's name
When searching the CAD Database for a license plate / vehicle registration number (in case of aircraft operation, for example)
When searching the CAD Database for a Record ID
When searching the CAD Database for a firearm serial number
When searching the CAD Database for an open Case Number
When searching the CAD Database for a file with a certain Docket Number
No CAD Returns Should there be no return in the CAD, in cases the person that is subject to this aforementioned search, or whose property is subject to this aforementioned search is a Server Member, officers are to assume criminal wrongdoing under SA PC4-05, SA PC8-02 and other applicable SA Penal Code Sections.
Badge Numbers. Officers shall make sure that any submitted records bears their badge number identical with their community identifier.
As per Server Rules, characters which will be used once as part of a role of one particular scene such as a victim, caller, etc are exempt from this rule - consider these characters to be NPC-like. Crimes should not be committed by these “throwaway” characters.
Non-use of the CAD will result in IC-consequences such as arrest for Failure to Identify, impounding of any unregistered vehicles, etc.
Commercial vehicles that are registered to named companies ororganizations rather than individuals.
Emergency Service characters do not need to be in the CAD unless minor corruption related roleplay or the possibility of such roleplay is an intention for said character.
Officers shall roleplay/patrol only as agencies listed in this Manual under "Agency Standards", with no other agencies being permitted.
Municipal Agencies. Officers shall attempt to fill the role of municipal officers before going for any other agency. This means there should be LSPD, BCSO, MCSO, LSSD, DPPD or RHPD before any other agency (depending on the AOP). There is no exact number requirement, however officers shall use common sense to determine whether they should go on duty as a municipal agency or not.
Note: Supervisors have the power to request an officer to change agency or Division if required.
Divisions. Officers shall attempt to fill the role of Patrol Division before going for any other Division, Subdivision, or Unit within a Municipal Agency. Some Divisions have a set required number of on duty officers for a Division to be able to be deployed. In cases where a Division has no exact number set, officers shall use common sense to determine whether they should go on duty as a specialised Division or not.
Note: Traffic Division may receive slightly more leeway when it comes to deployment of units patrolling in cruisers, as their presence has a very similar effect to a roving Patrol unit. However, Patrol should still be prioritised. (If there are more Traffic units than Patrol units, that's a problem.)
Federal Agencies. Officers who choose to go on duty as a federal agency shall only routinely patrol in that agency's jurisdiction. They shall not respond to routine calls for service outside of their jurisdiction area. If municipal agencies cannot cover all calls for service, a federal agency officer shall not respond to calls for service outside of their area - instead, they should consider their need to be on duty as a federal agency and swap out to a municipal agency.
Note: Yes, federal agencies have statewide jurisdiction, however we are referring to their primary patrol area. To find this, use the jurisdiction map.
Example: Officers who go on duty as FIBP in Downtown Los Santos shall patrol around the FIB building. They may only patrol and respond to calls that are located near/within the FIB building.
Exception: Officers on duty as federal agencies may respond outside of their jurisdiction to assist with a Help Call.
San Andreas Highway Patrol. Officers who choose to go on duty as Highway Patrol shall generally patrol highways, freeways and routes, as this is their designated primary jurisdiction. They shall not respond to routine calls for service, or Code Two field unit requests outside of their primary jurisdiction.
Exception: If no municipal agency unit assigns themselves to a call for service, or Code Two field unit request, within approximately 1-2 minutes of real life time, Highway Patrol units may assign themselves, or be assigned by a field supervisor; alternatively, if no municipal agency units are available to be assigned (ie. none are marked as clear), Highway Patrol units may assign themselves, or be assigned by a field supervisor.
Exception: Highway Patrol units shall respond to all Help Calls.
Note: Highway Patrol units can be specifically requested to certain calls by a municipal agency. These calls could consist of pursuits leading to a highway, or TCs involving major injury and/or death.
All members of the Law Enforcement Department (hereafter "member(s)") shall abide by these regulations unless exempted by this policy, other relevant Departmental or Divisional policy, or by a member of the LE Command Staff.
Tattoos on the head, neck or hands are not permitted.
Tattoos that would indicate that the member has an association with any person, group or organisation that is involved in (or perceived to be involved in) activity that is incompatible with law enforcement activity, including illegal gangs, criminal behavior, or discrimination are not permitted.
Tattoos that a reasonable person would consider offensive are not permitted.
Tattoos on the arms and legs do not need to be covered if they are otherwise permitted under this policy.
Hairstyles of all members shall be neat in appearance.
Color shall be limited to naturally occurring shades
Dyed hair is permitted provided the dye is of a naturally occurring shade(s).
Male sworn members shall keep their hair neat, clean and properly trimmed. The hair shall be moderately tapered, shall not extend below the top of the collar, nor cover any portion of the ear.
Female sworn members shall keep their hair in a conservative, neat, contemporary fashion. On-duty uniformed female sworn members whose hair falls below the shoulder line shall secure their hair up, off the collar, in a single pony tail or a bun.
Hairstyles shall not interfere with the proper wearing of the uniform headgear, nor shall it interfere with the vision in any way.
Facial hair shall be short, neat, clean and properly trimmed. (ie., no lumberjack beards from the Masks clothing slot)
Male members shall not wear any piercings unless authorized for their assignment.
Female members may wear one pair of earrings that are conservative and business-like in appearance that do not interfere with job duties.
All members may not have any form of body modification unless for standard cosmetic or medical reasons.
Wrist watches shall not be overtly flamboyant in appearance.
Wedding ring, or other ring of tasteful design may be worn.
No outward facing neck jewelry is permitted.
Vision-correcting eyeglasses are permitted provided they are in a conservative, professional appearance and neutrally-colored.
Sunglasses are permitted provided they are not overtly flamboyant in appearance.
Female members are permitted to wear mascara, eye shadow, lipstick and makeup, as long as it is professional and conservative in style and appearance.
Female members may wear solid color nail polish.
Regard will be given to cultural and/or religious issues where appropriate.
Members performing covert duties may be exempted from parts of this policy with consent from a relevant commanding officer.
Employees may request an exemption from the Department's uniform and grooming standards when a need exists due to a sincerely-held religious belief and/or practice, and such exemption does not prevent the employee from fulfilling all of their regularly assigned job duties, such as relaxed facial hair and hair policy, or religious or cultural garb, e.g. dastār or hijab. Such clothing articles shall be in color approximately matching the uniform, if the employee is wearing one.
103.91 OFFICIAL SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS. Only officers assigned to the Public Communications Group and Command Staff are able to officially post on IC social media (such as Bleeter or Lifeinvader) with a username indicating they are an official account of a department.
When posting in the Lifeinvader Discord channel, they shall include a checkmark emoji right after your username.
103.92 OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS. Non-PIOs may not post as an official department account, however, they may post as individual officers employed by that department.
103.93 OPSEC. All members of the department, regardless of whether they are a PIO or not, shall practice OPSEC at all times, ie., refrain from sharing and disclosing information that may jeopardise any present or future investigations. No tactics/procedures that have not been disclosed to the public for tactical/officer safety reasons shall be disclosed either.
Note. This extends to breaking OPSEC by talking in Out Of Character chats in a manner that is unnecessary and reckless as to whether will breach of OPSEC occur.
Example. A high risk warrant service is planned to be executed shortly in the server in Davis. A reckless deputy asks in server's OOC chat, or in one of the Discord chats visible to Guests or Members "When is this raid on Grove street going down?" This is an OPSEC violation.
103.94 APPROVED SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLES. The department shall provide a list of approved social media handles for Public Information Officers to use. These handles shall stay consistent across all social media platforms. Only listed handles may be used.
Handles that PIOs may use are the following:
DPPD: DelPerroPolice
FATEB: FATHQ (+ areas, ie. FAT_LosSantos, etc..)
LSSD: LSSDHQ (+ areas, ie. LSSDDavis, LSSDChumash, etc.)
LSPRD: LSCityRangers
LSPD: LosSantosPolice (+ areas, ie. LosSantosPoliceCentral, LosSantosPoliceVinewood, LosSantosPolicePacific, etc.)
LSPP: LSPortPolice
MCSO: MajCoSheriff
PIA (incl. Border patrol): PIA
NYSP: NYStatePatrol
RHPD: RockfordHillsPD
SADFW: SanAndreasDFW
SASP: SAStateParks
USAFSF: AFDefenders
USMS: USMarshalsHQ
NPS: NationalParkService