Unmanned Aerial System Team

Unmanned Aerial System Team

145 Sinner St.

Los Santos, San Andreas

The members of the Unmanned Aerial System Team (UAST) provide aerial observation support for the law enforcement department and other public safety entities within the state of San Andreas. Missions will be accomplished efficiently and safely while respecting the law and the privacy of the citizens we serve.


The division was first introduced in May 2021 as a result of partnership between ThriftEX electronics company and San Andreas law enforcement agencies.

The Lithium-Polymer batteries powering the Division's drones provide unmatched battery life and performance. However, when damaged, they explode with the force of 25 gallons of jet fuel burning up simultaneously.

So far, only 3 Division members were indicted on SA PC3-07 Stalking charges. Maintaining professionalism is our top priority!

The UAST in Action