Watch Commander’s Handbook
This handbook has been designed to give all Watch Commanders the necessary information to complete their duties.
Maintaining a minimum number of basic patrol units is critical to effectively provide services to the residents of San Andreas and to ensure sufficient units are available to respond to an emergency. It is imperative that Area Watch Commanders take the necessary steps to meet these minimums.
Note: The Watch Commander's minimum basic patrol units are to be considered more guideline-like rather than rigid regulations which must be adhered to. There may be times when the Watch Commander may exercise discretion to distribute basic patrol units depending on their area of patrol, how many officers are onduty, the number of calls for service in specific areas, etc.
The list below establishes the number of L, A, or X cars necessary to meet the patrol minimums for each Area.
If the actual number of units deployed during a watch drops below the minimums established in the list, then Watch Commanders may implement established protocols such as, but not limited to, reassigning units, activating specialised units to handle calls for service, and/or calling in off-duty personnel to voluntarily work on an overtime basis.
Minimum Basic Patrol Units List
Los Santos Police Department
1 Mission Row Division
Downtown Los Santos - 2
La Mesa - 2
5 Harbor Division
Port of Los Santos - 2
6 Vinewood Division
Downtown Vinewood - 3
Mirror Park - 2
8 Richman Area
Richman - 2
12 Strawberry Area
Strawberry - 4
14 Pacific Division
Vespucci - 3
Little Seoul - 1
15 Vinewood Hills Area
Vinewood Hills and Galileo Park - 2
Los Santos County Sheriff's Department
7 Unincorporated Area
Banham Canyon
Grand Senora Desert
Tatavium Mountains
Palamino Highlands
9 West Vinewood Station
West Vinewood
28 Davis Station
Davis - 4
East Los Santos - 2
22 Chumash Area
Chumash - 2
Blaine County Sheriff's Office
17 Southern Area
Sandy Shores - 3
Harmony - 2
Grand Senora Desert
Grapeseed - 2
Mt Josiah
Senora National Park
Alamo Sea
19 Coastal Area
Paleto Bay - 2
Chiliad State Wilderness
Mt Chiliad
Mt Gordo
Rockford Hills Police Department
21 Rockford Hills Police Department
City of Rockford Hills - 4
Del Perro Police Department
20 Del Perro Police Department
City of Del Perro - 4
Los Santos Port Police
3 Los Santos Port Police
Port of Los Santos - 3
Los Santos International Airport Police
2 Los Santos International Airport Police
Los Santos International Airport - 2
Upon taking command of a Watch, Watch Commanders may choose to complete inspections of the officers under their command. These checks may include, but are not limited to:
Body Worn Video Checks - Ensure that officers equipped with Body Worn Video (BWV) have their BWV in working order. Complete a visual recording test.
Digital In-Car Video Checks - Ensure that department vehicles equipped with Digital In-Car Video (DICV) have their DICV in working order. Complete a visual recording test.
Upon arriving at a scene, Watch Commanders may choose to complete inspections of the officers under their command. These checks may include, but are not limited to:
Body Worn Video Checks - Ensure that officers equipped with BWV have recorded any interactions with the public.
Watch Commanders shall, when able, meet units in the custody suite when they are booking in arrestees. Watch Commanders shall receive a brief summary of why the subject is being arrested, before making contact with the subject themselves. They shall ask the subject 3 questions:
"Do you understand why you were arrested?"
"Are you sick, ill, or injured?"
"Do you have any questions or concerns?"
Depending on the answers, additional steps may have to be taken.
Watch Commanders shall make sure that arresting officers complete all necessary paperwork whilst booking the subject, or at the soonest available time in a suitable location.
Safety Check for Detainees. The Department has always recognised the principle of "Reverence for Life" as fundamental to our public safety mission. As part of that concept, the Department endeavors to protect the safety of all of those we encounter, including those in our custody. As such, Watch Commanders shall, where feasible, attempt to complete a direct visual observation of any arrestee in an Area holding facility.
Direct Visual Observation. Observing the subject by direct line-of-sight that is unaided by audio or visual equipment.
Watch Commanders may choose to inspect the usage of seatbelts during law enforcement activities; they shall ensure that any arrestees who are being transported in a departmental vehicle are equipped with a seatbelt.
Each area has been provided with 4 ballistic shields which are available for checkout from the Area kitroom/armoury.
Watch Commanders shall ensure that at least one ballistic shield is checked out by a field unit (officer or supervisor) during each patrol watch. Additionally, the Watch Commander shall ensure that at least one ballistic shield is checked out by gang enforcement personnel (officer or supervisor) during all field operations.
Non-Traffic, Priority I or Priority II Calls. The following sequence shall be used for assignment of field units to Priority I and II calls for service.
Basic Patrol car or Extra Basic Patrol car (A, L, X - not supervisory)
Any area specialised unit (CYCLE, FB, G, Z, Q)
Supervisory unit (A, L, X units ending in 0, CP)
Any other specialised unit (K9, O, R)
Any Traffic Collision Investigation unit or Traffic Enforcement unit (T, E, M)
Non-Traffic, Priority III Calls. The following sequence shall be used for assignment of field units to Priority III calls for service.
Basic Patrol car or Extra Basic Patrol car (A, L, X - not supervisory. May also include U)
Any area specialised unit (CYCLE, FB, G, Z, Q)
Note: If no field units described above are available for a Priority III call for service, it shall remain pending until a field unit is available.
Traffic Collision Calls. The following sequence shall be used for assignment of field units to Priority I, II and III traffic collision calls for service.
Any Traffic Collision Investigation unit (T)
Any Traffic Enforcement unit (E, M)
Any Basic Patrol car or Extra Basic Patrol car (A, L, X)
Any Traffic Supervisory unit (T, E, M units ending in 0)