Counter-Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau
Counter-Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau Mission Statement
The Counter-Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau aims to set the standard within law enforcement across the country. Its members are often requested to go above and beyond the average patrol officer. As a result, there are guiding principles that give a foundation for the high level of professionalism exemplified by this Bureau and those who serve as its personnel. They are as follows;
A commitment to the belief that personnel must function as a team, and that the overall success of each mission is a direct result of individual team members acting in concert with one another;
A deep and abiding reverence for human life, resulting in a firm resolve that all possible tactical alternatives be exhausted before employing deadly force;
Recognition that the team is part of a larger organization – the Department – and that its level of success is dependent, in large measure, on the support of the Department and the individual entities within;
A conviction that consistent and intensive training is tantamount to continued success in all operational aspects of the team;
An enduring effort by each team member to maintain high standards of mental and physical fitness; and
A continuing process of honest introspection into the day-to-day